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Executive Leadership Team

The Executive Leadership Team at Nexford University (NXU) includes the CEO/President and senior leadership. This team is responsible for strategic planning, budget development, business intelligence (BI) review, and collective oversight of daily operations. It also evaluates and recommends major curricular changes, develops and reforms academic and operational policies, and prepares quarterly reports for Nexford’s Board of Directors.

The Executive Leadership Team reports on strategic planning, budgets, curriculum deliberations, and other matters of importance in university operations.

Nexford Leadership Team

Fadl Al Tarzi, Chief Executive Officer

Fadl Al Tarzi
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and President


Dr. Cathy Plunkett
Vice President, Compliance


Zahra Safavian
Chief Product Officer


Rob Day
Chief Operating Officer


Dr. Jennifer Scott
Chief Academic Officer


Omar Mughal
Chief Financial Officer


Meghan Rodgers
Chief Growth Officer

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