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Our Nexford Community

The Nexford  community is involved in learner success, each stakeholder at the University is responsible for ensuring the appropriate resources and support are available to maximize the potential for learning.

To set the foundation for building global online connections within the community, all new learners are required to set up personal profiles, including directory information, as part of their initial registration. Directory information includes information about learners’ academic plans, course enrollments, and home countries. The University makes learner directory information available to all members of the Nexford community to assist learners in forming connections — on the basis of shared interests, similar courses of study, or common backgrounds — with current and former learners. Learners can restrict access to their directory information, or to specific portions of it, by adjusting their privacy settings. The University facilitates opportunities for peer-to- peer connections, for example, by hosting online social networking events for learners in the same academic programs to meet one another, and by hosting group advising sessions with Success Advisors.

Nexford University Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday


The Nexford University Administrative Office is closed for most major United States holidays.

All times are based on Eastern Time (ET).

Success Advising and Faculty Availability

Success Advising

Nexford Success Advisors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Nexford Faculty respond within 24 hours and are available for virtual office hours and one-on-one sessions by appointment.

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