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System Requirements and Required Software

Operating Systems

Learners receive a Microsoft Office license to use during their time at Nexford University. Most projects and assessments can be completed using a Microsoft or a Google application. A note about Windows operating systems: Microsoft periodically ends support for its older operating systems. Our minimum computer system requirement in the chart below reflects these changes.

Web Browsers

Web browsers listed in the chart below have been tested and validated for use with our website. Other web browsers not listed may not work as well and will be unsupported and tested by Nexford.

System Requirements

Hardware & Connectivity


Monitor (Computers Only)

15″ display

True color

1024 x 768 resolution

17″ display

True color

1920 x 1080 resolution


1 Megapixel

2 Megapixels or higher

Internet connection

2mbps internet connection

5mbps broadband (cable or DSL)

Email capabilities

Email address (required)

Email address (required)

Windows Computers

Operating System

Windows 10

Windows 11

Web browser
(only one needed)

Microsoft Edge (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)

Microsoft Edge (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)

Mac Computers

Operating System

MacOS 11 Big Sur

MacOS 12 Monterey

Web browser
(only one needed)

Microsoft Edge (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)

Microsoft Edge (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)


Operating System

iOS 14

Android 11

iOS 15

Android 12

Web browser
(only one needed)

Microsoft Edge (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)

Microsoft Edge (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)

Download the Adobe Reader Plug-In

In order to view PDF documents, your computer must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed with the latest version available for your operating system.

Download the Adobe Reader, then follow the installation instructions available on the download page.

Note: Nexford University strongly recommends using a personal, non-corporate device for seamless access to its platforms. Learners using a corporate device are responsible for addressing any potential security restrictions by coordinating with their internal IT department to ensure the University’s services are accessible.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.