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Transfer Credits

Transfer Credit Policy

Effective August 1, 2022, Nexford University implemented the following Transfer Credit Policy.

Nexford University’s Registrar’s Office reviews official transcripts for transfer credit eligibility. Learners seeking transfer credit must request their official transcripts be sent directly from the issuing institution to Nexford University at Transfer credits posted on another institution’s transcript will not be accepted. The acceptance and applicability of transfer credits are solely determined by Nexford University.

Eligible courses for transfer credit must be awarded by either of the following:

  • A regionally or nationally accredited institution recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the Department of Education (DOE/DAPIP).

  • An international higher education institution that is approved by the appropriate  ministry of education or recognized country equivalent.

Additional sources of external transfer credit include the following:

  • American Council on Education (ACE)

  • Sophia

  • StraighterLine

Nexford University transfers courses on a course-by-course basis, subject to the conditions outlined below:

  • Courses must be at the collegiate level; developmental or remedial coursework is not accepted

  • Courses must have at least 75% equivalent content, and comparable in duration

  • Grades for awarded external transfer credits are not factored into the learner’s grade point average (GPA) and will appear on the NXU transcript as “T”

  • Work or life experience is not eligible for transfer credit at this time

  • Transfer credits may only be awarded prior to the learner enrolling in the course

The following criteria apply to transfer credit:

Undergraduate Transfer Credit

  • Undergraduate courses must have a grade of C or higher to be accepted for transfer credit.

  • Learners may transfer a maximum of 75% of the credits required for an undergraduate degree program with a combination of transfer credit and experiential or equivalent credit.

  • A maximum of 24 semester credits of General Education credits may be transferred into the AAS program and 30 semester credits of General Education credits may be transferred into the BBA program.

  • General Education courses may be transferred into the following categories:

    • Written and Oral Communication

    • Quantitative Principles

    • Natural and Physical Science

    • Social and Behavioral Science

    • Humanities and Fine Arts

  • Capstone courses must be completed through Nexford University.

Graduate Transfer Credit

  • Graduate courses must have a grade of B or higher to be accepted for transfer credit. 

  • Graduate courses must have been completed within the last ten (10) years.

  • Learners may transfer up to 50% of the credits required for a master's degree with a combination of transfer credit and experiential or equivalent credit.

  • Capstone courses must be completed through Nexford University.

Block Transfer Credit

This policy outlines flexible pathways for learners to transfer credits between institutions within and outside the US to enable their educational advancement. Block transfer credits are subject to Nexford University’s transfer policy guidelines such as currency, residency, and transfer credit verification. Learners eligible for a block transfer can maximize college credit transfer towards the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree, while others may require a course-by-course evaluation. Learners eligible for block transfer upon enrollment who later decide to switch programs or plans of study will undergo a reevaluation of eligibility for block transfer in the new degree program.

United States

Learners who hold an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in business or business-related degree from an institution accredited by a CHEA-recognized US accrediting organization, may transfer credits toward the completion of Nexford University’s BBA degree.

  • Learners may transfer a maximum of 60 credits toward the BBA degree

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for eligibility

  • Learners must complete remaining 60 credits online at Nexford University to meet the residency requirement

  • Learners will follow a customized BBA learning path to complete the degree


Learners who hold a three-year bachelor’s degree in business or business-related field from an international higher education institution that is approved by the appropriate ministry of education or recognized country equivalent, may transfer credits toward the completion of Nexford University’s s BBA.

  • Learners may transfer a maximum of 90 credits toward BBA degree

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for eligibility 

  • Learners must complete remaining 30 credits online at Nexford University to meet the residency requirement

  • Learners will follow a customized BBA learning path to complete the degree

Credit for Prior Learning

Undergraduate degree applicants and learners may be eligible to receive credit for prior learning. A maximum of 25% of the program may be fulfilled through prior learning credit with up to 75% of the total degree credits eligible for transfer through a combination of standard transfer credit and prior learning.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) will be recorded on the transcript as “CPL” and may only be awarded before the learner enrolls in the course.

Acceptable sources of Credit for Prior Learning include the following:

  • AP Exams

  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)


  • Certifications from industry associations and training academies

  • International Baccalaureate (IB)

Internal Transfer Credits

Learners may transfer courses between Nexford programs if shared courses exist. For courses with multiple attempts, only the attempt with the highest grade will be transferred. Credits transferring into undergraduate programs require a grade of C grade or higher, while those transferring into graduate programs require a grade of “B” or higher. The transferred course grade will be factored into the learner’s Satisfaction Academic Progress (SAP) calculation. Only internal transfer credits apply to certificate programs due to its short duration. 

Transferring Credits to External Institutions

Learners who wish to transfer their credits earned at Nexford University to another institution may request an official transcript to be sent directly from the University to the receiving institution by emailing The receiving institution will determine the acceptance of credits at its discretion. 

Transfer Credit Appeals

Nexford University reserves the right to deny credit for courses that do not align with those offered at the University. Learners who wish to dispute the application of transfer credit may appeal to the Registrar’s Office within 30 days by emailing

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