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Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates

Undergraduate Certificates

An undergraduate certificate provides non-degree-seeking learners the opportunity to gain specialized knowledge that can help them progress toward specific career goals. Each certificate is a set of four courses (12 credit hours) that learners follow in a guided learning path. Four certificates are offered at the undergraduate level:

  1. Business Analytics

  2. Entrepreneurship

  3. Brand, Strategy & Digital Marketing

  4. Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals & Automation

Graduate Certificates

A graduate certificate provides non-degree-seeking learners the opportunity to gain specialized knowledge that can help them progress toward specific career goals. Each graduate certificate is a set of four or five courses (12 or 15 credit hours) that learners follow in a guided learning path. Two certificates are offered at the graduate level:

  1. Advanced Artificial Intelligence & Robotics

  2. Financial Analysis

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