University Course Descriptions for General Education Required Courses
CUL 1100 American Institutions and Culture
American Institutions and Culture focuses on the US as an intricate subject of study, providing a foundation for examining and interpreting the unique economic and cultural impact of the US across the world. This course examines the US throughout its history and currently on the world stage, provides learners with a practical literacy of the features of American institutions and businesses along with a cultural framework for a fundamental understanding of this nation and prepares learners for the skills to work within an American business environment.
CUL 2200 Intercultural Communication
Intercultural Communication exposes learners to the principles of intercultural communication to advance their efforts to understand and attribute meaning to communicative behaviors among different cultures and social groups. Learners study communication and culture, intercultural messages, the role of context in intercultural communication, the impact of culture on one’s identity, and communication style. Learners master the practical skills necessary to improve one’s intercultural communication competence in an international world.
CUL 2300 Cultural Aesthetic Understanding
Cultural Aesthetic Understanding focuses on concepts and theories involved in intercultural, interdisciplinary study of artistic influence and expression. Learners examine interactions among an assortment of modes of creative expression, role of style in daily life, performative representation of cultural identity and difference, and interaction of diverse artistic traditions.
COM 1200 Professional Communication
Professional Communication places an emphasis on communication styles and approaches in today’s workplace to include digital, verbal and nonverbal communication. The course focuses on the evaluation of case analysis and discussion and on practical business and professional communication skills, including writing, speaking, and listening. Emphasis is on clarity, organization, format, appropriate language, and consideration of audience, for both written and oral communication. Learners engage in self-assessment of communicative competence and learn strategies for enhancing their skills. This course explores how technology and other tools are integrated into communications within a professional setting, and learners will be able to identify appropriate and inappropriate professional communications.
QRS 2150 Introduction to Spreadsheets and Modeling
Introduction to Spreadsheets and Modeling is designed to equip learners with foundational skills in spreadsheet usage and basic modeling techniques. In today’s data-driven world, the ability to efficiently organize, analyze, and visualize information is essential for success across various fields, including business, finance, engineering, and the sciences.
NWL 2100 Nutrition and Wellness
Nutrition and Wellness focuses on highlighting strategies for a healthy lifestyle. Two changes have led to a significant increase in preventable diseases: a global increase in the consumption of heavily processed food, and cultural shifts in many parts of the world where people are moving away from preparing food at home. Learners are equipped with practical skills to be healthier consumers of food and consider the importance of a wellness lifestyle with an emphasis on self-responsibility, physical fitness, stress management, and environmental sensitivity. A key focus of UN SDGs for 2030 is Sustainable Economic Development.
PBS 2250 Problem Solving & Critical Thinking
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking considers how most successful professionals of the 21st century will be able to assess an environment, analyze a situation, design alternative solutions, and assist organizations in creatively overcoming challenges and reaching strategic goals.
This course focuses on the development of reasoning and problem solving skills by using the scientific method to analyze case studies and controversial topics. Learners consider cultural differences in reasoning, inductive and deductive logic, and how to use positive inquiry and synthesis to solve individual and organizational problems. Emphasis is placed on successful models and proven methods that are transferable within the work environment.
SCI 1150 Science of Happiness
Science of Happiness offers evidence-based approaches to living a more meaningful, successful, and happy life by applying practical strategies to improve every domain of life, including home, work, and community. Despite the enormous hardships that many people face around the world, this course explores how to manage cognitive biases and the impact a positive mindset can have on personal, biological, relational, cultural and global aspects of life. Learners implement strategies which foster a positive behavior change.
SCI 2150 Environmental Science
Environmental Science engages learners in examining how health and food is significantly impacted by the physical environment. Learners explore various topics within environmental science to include global warming, pollution, waste, and recycling. Learners examine how humans in increasingly industrialized countries, and the earth itself, are impacted by environmental pollutants and contaminants. This course reviews major environmental policies and their impact on the health of communities and the preservation of the earth or lack thereof. Learners discuss the scientific evidence of emerging environmental issues and the focus of the UN SDGs for 2030 is Sustainable Economic Development.
STA 1300 Statistics
Statistics emphasizes the analysis of data collection and statistics through the use of current technology. This course introduces learners to statistical terms, distributions, displaying and interpreting of data collected (probability, validity and reliability), effect size, measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) and determining statistical significance. Learners analyze hypothesis testing and apply statistical techniques.