School of Business and Innovation
Mission Statement: To provide a transformative educational experience that equips aspiring leaders with the competencies to succeed in a dynamic global workforce.
Nexford University’s focus is on delivering a learning experience that maximizes opportunities for learner success, it is essential that NXU provide flexible and affordable programs specifically equipping learners with the competencies necessary for the future of the shifting global workforce.
The University offers an Associate of Applied Science in Business (AAS) degree, a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree, Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, a Master of Science in Data Analytics (MSDA) degree, a Master of Science in Digital Transformation (MSDT) degree, and a Master of Science in Entrepreneurship degree (MSE), and four undergraduate and three graduate certificate programs that meet the market demand for study in the business field. The Nexford degree pathways are flexible, focused on workplace skills, and directly align with professional associations and employer needs. Learners can begin their enrollment with a short-term program, the completion of which would result in the awarding of a certificate (undergraduate or graduate) that both counts towards the educational requirement of a Nexford degree and independently provides valuable, demonstrable competencies for employers1.
1 The National Network of Business and Industry Associations is coordinating cross-sector efforts to close the “skills gap.” Members include leaders in the manufacturing, retail, healthcare, energy, construction, hospitality, transportation and information technology sectors. Efforts have focused on supporting stackable credentials, common employability skills that cut across sectors, and hiring based on competency. This initiative is managed by ACT Foundation and Business Roundtable and funded by the Joyce Foundation, ACT Foundation, Lumina Foundation and Walmart.